League Matches

The club enters multiple teams into the Swindon & District Tennis League in both the Summer and Winter seasons. We welcome any Club Pass member to get involved. If you think you would like to have a go, the first thing to do is attend one of the club sessions on a Wednesday evening or Sunday morning and mention to the coach that you are interested in getting involved. Attending the club session will allow you to meet others who play in the league and we can establish your standard. Don't be put off, the standard ranges from county player through to novice, so as long as you can rally a ball comfortably from the base line, serve and are familiar with doubles play, then that should be sufficient.

To see our current league rankings for each team we've entered into the Swindon & District Tennis League, visit here.

The club calendar with all dates of league matches can be viewed here.

We look forward to seeing you on court.